In the New Age section of a Florida record store, I came across volumes 1 – 4 of Robert Bearns’ and Ron Dexters’ Golden Voyage. These albums were recorded from 1977 to 1982. It is self described as “A galactic exploration through celestial harmonics. A totally, new unique concept in stereophonic S-O-U-N-D frequencies”.
These records are quite wonderful, consisting of uninterrupted washes of environmental sounds (gurgling water, birds chirping, wind) mixed in with chimes and various rhythms. They represent the early pre-commercialized era of New Age music. A time when
Hearts of Space (the seminal new age/ambient radio show) was broadcasting a strong signal from the west coast and 1 year after Ash Ra Tempel released New Age of Earth. Or a time before Yanni came to define New Age to most.
While Bearns and Dexter are credited as being part of the early New Age scene, I was able to find out little else. I read that they were possibly a couple, are credited as being pioneers of sound healing and relaxation therapy, and were from Los Angeles.