On Wednesday April 26th I took a bike ride and decided to stop at a record store. I found the record store unfulfilling and walked back to my bike. Directly across the street I noticed the 10+ story I AM Temple. I gave in to the gravitational pull and crossed Washington street.
In the window were paintings of Jesus, the U.S. flag, angels with the U.S. flag, a man unknown to me, and hand painted signs. One sign stated, “What you meditate upon you become.”
I entered the I AM Temple to find a lobby with a reading room and bookstore attached. I entered the bookstore and talked with Maria, an older woman from Czechoslovakia. She explained some of the
I AM philosophy to me. I was told of astral bodies in need of acknowledgment, ascended masters like Jesus who had gone before us, celestial cycles of opportunity, the Cave of Light, travel that takes place during deep sleep, and of the movement starting in 1930 by Guy W. Ballard.
She also mentioned, Saint Germain, the main patriarch of the I AM movement. St Germaine has existed, as an ascended master, for over 4000 years. He is an ascended master who inhabits different earth bodies from time to time. All of the bodies he inhabits go on to do wonderful things to benefit our planet. St Germain has been embodied by Joseph; Jesus’ unbiological earth father, William Shakespeare, Christopher Columbus and also some who helped found and shape this country.
The bookstore had books and icons for sale. I picked up a card of the yellow Jesus pictured above. This image has become one of my favorite Jesus depictions. This Jesus radiates and is a warm light.
After my long, enjoyable discussion with Maria, I went into the reading room. When I asked about attending a service, Maria told me services weren’t open to the general public. Before attending a service, one had to read the first three volumes of a book series in order to become acquainted with the philosophy. I sat in a chair with one of these books taking cursory skims throughout. Yet I could hardly read as I was listening to what was playing in the lobby. As the women did various tasks about the lobby, a stern woman’s voice was playing somewhere. The voice kept saying things like “I AM the world Harmony, I AM Love, Love, Love, I AM and pledge love and Obedience to the United States of America, I AM and look to ascend, I AM I AM I AM IAM.” This was followed by an old sounding sermon in an enthusiastic man’s voice.
I ended up spending about 40 minutes there. When I left I had really been somewhere else.