Samstag, April 1


Originally uploaded by hygienehost.
On Thursday, I rode out attending errands upon the wonderful black Sears 3 speed. While downtown, I rode by the St Petersburg church with it’s enormous Jesus suffering on the cross. The colossal concrete crucified Christ is striking amidst the assorted downtown architecture. I had to go inside. It was a little after 12 noon and they were holding mass. Those assembled at the altar were preparing the transubstantiated communion wafer. I decided to join everyone else and incorporate the wafer. When Fr. Robert Hutmacher said “The body of Christ.” I replied “Amen”. It has been over 15 years since I had partaken of the holy sacrament.
After mass I scoured the church taking in its mix of old and new. I always like to visit the stations of the cross. I noticed a number of people waiting around to go to confession. That was when I had a weird sobering perplexed moment. Grown up people were waiting, on their lunch breaks, to go inside a dark closet, and confess their life infractions to another person followed by a number of repeated prayers as penance.