Montag, August 28
Sonntag, August 27
Samstag, August 26
Freitag, August 25
Dienstag, August 22
Sonntag, August 20

Harry Everett Smith (1923–November 27, 1991) was an American born in Portland, Oregon; he was an archivist, ethnomusicologist, student of anthropology, record collector, experimental filmmaker, artist, bohemian and Kabbalist. Smith is a well-known figure in several fields. People who know him as a filmmaker often do not know of his 1952 Anthology of American Folk Music; folk enthusiasts often do not know he was "the greatest living magician" according to Kenneth Anger.
Smith died at the Hotel Chelsea in New York City.
The Harry Smith Archives are located HERE.
Many of his films will be screened September 16th and 17th at Anthology Film Archives.
Yet, the abstractions series can begin to be viewed HERE.
Freitag, August 18
Dienstag, August 15

I have been listening to the intimate beauty contained in the songs of Joe and Guin Miller. According to the San Francisco Theosophy website:
"Joe and Guin Miller were great American sages. Working together from the 1960s to the 1990s, they inspired thousands of people throughout the world. With their music, walks in the park, evenings at the SFTS and their deeply compassionate, one-on-one friendship, they touched many lives and offered a powerful example of the unconditional love and simple awareness that operates at the heart of all the world's great mystical traditions."
and from Dervish Healing Order:
"Joe Miler was an authentic American Mystic who taught in many ways, the most famous being the thursday morning walks through Golden Gate Park. Joe never charged for anything. On the contrary, he treated everyone to ice cream at the Ocean Safeway near the beach"
The songs and videos of the Millers can be found HERE.
Montag, August 14
Sonntag, August 13
Mittwoch, August 2

Recent research into traditions of the Autumnal Equinox led me to one of the best movies ever; Night of the Hunter. Night of the Hunter is a name (along with Feast of Avilon, Harvest Tide, and Mabon) associated with the equinox of September 23rd. Reading about Night of the Hunter then led me to another wonderful film; Dancing Outlaw.
Dancing Outlaw is a slice in the life of Appalachian Mountain Dancer Jesco White. Jesco carries on the dancing tradition of his father, D. Ray White. I’ve always been a big fan of jigs, and Dancing Outlaw was a major influence on my early video work. The film contains the greatest visual realization of the harmonized guitar jam found in the last 1/3 of Lynyrd Skynrd’s Freebird. Jesco is from the same county that gave the world Hasil Adkins.
You can view the entire documentary for free HERE.
You can also view Jesco’s Myspace Page HERE.