Donnerstag, September 28
While I'm not interested in using this forum to give expression to dismissals or negativity, I take issue with the irresponsibility of CTM's work of late.
While their aims seem ultimately positive, I feel like some of what CTM does is misguided and potentially harmful.
For the Strange Powers show, at Creative Time, CTM gave out envelopes with stickers and instructions on placing curses on businesses one disagrees with.
While I understand that the idea is to use antiquated means to protest bad business,I believe that such an activity can be harmful to the practicioner.
Because, to start with the Wiccan Rede, the guidelines governing Wiccan behavior :
All good that a person does to another returns three fold in this life; harm is also returned three fold.
All things are interconnected.
The laws of Karma hold just as much weight as the laws of gravity.
To consider beyond Wiccan traditions (which I feel states it best)
consider ideas of reciprocity found in belief the world over.
HERE is a link an article on Ethics of Reciprocity as found in 21 of the world's religions.
An it harm none, do what ye will.
Sonntag, September 24
I am terribly touched by the amazing + supportive friends I have in this go of life. I am deeply grateful to the 50+ people that came out to the Catskills to witness the ceremony/performance.I am especially grateful to Lisa Kirk for her gracious hospitality and spirit. 9-23-06 is one of the more memorable events in this life.
This photo is from Dan E.’s site PATHETICA where he wrote a thoughtful and kind personal review.
The attentive friends at TRIPLE DIESEL also wrote a kind review.
Samstag, September 16
The message you communicate
with an other human being
has nothing to do with what you say
it has nothing to do with the look
on the musculature of your face
It's much deeper than that
much deeper!
It's the vibrations
that emanate from you!
if your vibrations are paranoid
that's what's being received.
And when your around pets
(birds or cats especially)
or very young children
or very flipped out psychotics,
they will know you immeadiately.
And you realize that every moment you are
a full statement of your being
and your sending out vibrations that are
affecting everything around you,
which in turn is affecting
everything that comes back
when you meet somebody who is
caught in the world of
WE and THEM and you are HIM
to that person
and you get caught in his mind net
you are both
one another's
Paterns of energy
You are a part of it all